PlayStation DualShock4
Install ds4drv
Please refer to
$ sudo pip install ds4drv
Bluetooth Pairing
Note: no need to connect the controller with host PC via USB cable
1. Please check the Bluetooth is ON in host PC:
2. Click **+** button:
3. Hold **Share** + **PS button** until the LED starts blinking rapidly, then a new device **Wireless Controller** will appear. Select this new device and click "Next". Finally, this device will be paired successfully in Ubuntu:
the controller's LED will turn in blue and you can also find `/dev/input/js0` which is created by Bluetooth driver (**not** from ds4drv).
4. Disconnect this device by holding only **PS button** until the LED turns off (more than 10 seconds).
5. run following command:
$ sudo ds4drv --hidraw
[info][controller 1] Created devices /dev/input/js0 (joystick) /dev/input/event1 (evdev)
[info][hidraw] Scanning for devices
m[info][controller 1] Connected to Bluetooth Controller (1C:66:6D:7B:C6:0A hidraw0)
[info][hidraw] Scanning for devices
[info][controller 1] Battery: Fully charged
[warning][controller 1] Signal strength is low (18 reports/s)
**Note**: important point is that the bluetooth devices should be linked to `/dev/input/js0` by the above command. If not, please do step 4 again.
6. hold only **PS button** for a while, then the LED will turn back to blue again, meaning successful connection. The Bluetooth icon will have the padlock emblem.
7. disable touchpad input device by creating `/etc/udev/rules.d/50-ps4joy.rules` which contains following content:
SUBSYSTEM=="input", ATTRS{name}=="*Wireless Controller Touchpad", RUN+="/bin/rm %E{DEVNAME}", ENV{ID_INPUT_JOYSTICK}=""
**Note**: please refer to `2.1 disable touchpad input device` in for more details.
8. restart udev rule by following commands:
$ sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
$ sudo udevadm trigger
Start sixad on boots (非推奨)
Please check the instruction of “PS4JOYドライバの自動起動設定” in this blog
Common commands:
the different key bounds of dualshock4 are:
in dualshock4 =start
in dualshock3share
in dualshock4 =select
in dualshock3
different commands:
command | action |
options |
motor arming (please do this before takeoff) |
share (short push) |
force landing (without xy position control, robot will descend slowly) |
share (long push, > 2.0s) |
halt (i.e. stop motor immediately ) |
cross-left + circle |
takeoff (this can be received by robot only after motor arming) |
cross-right + square |
landing |
select (short push) |
force landing (without xy position control, robot will descend slowly) |
select (long push, > 2.0s) |
halt (i.e. stop motor immediately ) |
triangle |
xy(horizontal) velocity control mode |
cross(X) |
xy(horizontal) position control mode |
cross-down |
xy(horizontal) attitude control mode |
left stick vertical |
movement in world x axis (only available in velocity/attitude control mode) |
left stick horizontal |
movement in world y axis (only available in velocity/attitude control mode) |
left stick vertical + L2 |
movement in baselink (local) x axis (only available in velocity/attitude control mode) |
left stick horizontal + L2 |
movement in baselink (local) y axis (only available in velocity/attitude control mode) |
right stick vertical |
movement in z axis |
right stick horizontal + push right stick |
movement in yaw axis |
For more information about ps4joy in ros, please check here