joint and gimbal servo motor


you can use dynamixel_wizard2 to set the configuration from ubuntu/windows.

motor types:

general configuration:

id setting

slave_id of each neuron is incremented from 1 and set via rqt.
ID of servo motors connected to the same neuron is incremented from 1 for joints and gimbals, in that order.
The value of each ID in the Servo.yaml is incremented from 0 starting from the servo with ID 1 connected to neuron with slave_id 1.


slave_id of neuron 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3
ID of dynamixel 1 (joint) 2 (gimbal) 3 (gimbal) 1 (joint) 2 (joint) 3 (gimbal) 4 (gimbal) 1 (joint) 2 (joint) 3 (gimbal)
id in Servo.yaml 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

thrust rotor

ESC calibration